life Work

Margins + Sneaky Social Media

September 15, 2022

AHHHH this week has felt almost insurmountable. I am getting through it, though!

My biggest issues have included:

  • Not being on track with sleep (mini-vac was worth it but sleep debt/sleep disruption was real)
  • Many work meetings
  • Just generally being in a funk

I think that last point has to do with transitions, and how I tend to fall apart at the ends of things sometimes. In this case, the ‘end’ I am referring to is my GME role and commitment. I tend to be in a rush to get to the next thing, which can be a bit problematic.

I guess at least I am aware of my tendencies!

2.5 more weeks though isn’t much and it will likely go quickly.


Confession time: every year around Hobonichi time I end up browsing Reddit, because there is a big Hobonichi-loving community there and I love seeing what others are getting and reading about how others use their planners.

(I mean, it’s research right? For BLP? Maybe?)

AAAAAAND then I get sucked into other subreddits (like the /running one), and pretty soon I’m scrolling in that zombie way that I used to consume Instagram. And I wonder why I am tired and unmotivated and feeling generally blah.

Seriously, I’m pretty sure this has happened 3 years in a row. But now I am wise to myself. I have learned that social media and I just do not get along. I hate how it sucks in my time, my attention, my eyeballs. So, I deleted the app this morning. It was fun to see everyone’s deliveries but it’s also time to move on.


Podcast Appearance!

Kate Hanley has a daily podcast called “How to Be a Better Person” and interviewed me as part of her series on . . . you guessed it . . . PLANNING! Excited to share the track above, or you can find it here (ep #794).


  • Reply Alyce September 15, 2022 at 6:29 am

    I don’t think I needed to learn there’s a Hobonichi reddit….

  • Reply Elisabeth September 15, 2022 at 8:41 am

    Congrats on the fun podcast appearance.

    I’m not on social media, but my phone usage (mostly mindless scrolling of the news etc) has just gone through the roof. It makes me feel tired and icky and I know I need to reset…but I’m not feeling overly motivated to do so. It’s helpful to know you’ve fallen into a similar trap and if SHU can climb out, so can I!!

  • Reply Coree September 15, 2022 at 10:19 am

    Oof, it’s been a week here as well. A husband with the flu, some major work deadlines, teaching starts next week and my schedule isn’t fully confirmed yet. Schools are off Friday/Monday and I fly to work city Sunday, think I’m going to treat myself to a nice lunch once I arrive.

  • Reply Lizzy September 15, 2022 at 1:52 pm

    Wow I feel so *seen* with the reddit confession! Enough to turn me from lurker to commenter. Glad to know I’m not the only one and I’m going to take this as a sign to kick my reddit habit.

  • Reply Coco September 15, 2022 at 4:59 pm

    2.5 weeks until your new life set up? hahahah me too. i know the feeling of wrapping things up, feeling rushed but also a bit sad?, I don’t even have time to meet with all the people I want to meet before we go. But I realized that that’s ok, if i really want to spend time with some, I’ll make it happen regardless how busy I am, if they are not prioritized, then they are not important enough.
    oh yes… social media consumption is bad. last night instead of reading before bed, I was distracted checking different things, here and there.. and I got a poor night of sleep. same question.. why i don’t remember its consequence before/while I do those things… well.. we are all just human.

    • Reply Sarah Hart-Unger September 15, 2022 at 6:38 pm

      October will be a big month for both of us!!!! Trying not to be in countdown mindset but … it’s hard!!!

  • Reply Celeste September 16, 2022 at 12:07 am

    There’s a “stop scrolling” subreddit that will show posts in your feed to remind you to do just that…not that I always listen…

  • Reply lawandcreative September 16, 2022 at 3:36 am

    I just listened to that episode and it was great! Good job! Also, a new podcast discovery for me which is always nice.

    Hope you can get some rest in after your big week!

  • Reply MP September 16, 2022 at 9:05 am

    Can’t wait to here your review on the English version of the hobinichi….some of the quotes seem a bit gloomy (we are all alone…) and the section that discusses developing a voice that can reach others?? Kind of made me giggle. Seems like maybe they could use you for content development:).

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