
Weekly Workouts – Week #2/52

January 14, 2024

Back and Forth Weather Week!

M: 7.5 faster morning miles with J — it was cool outside and I think I had some anxious energy starting my call week! 8:23/mi average and apparently I set my 10K PR on strava (I’ve never actually raced a 10K since starting to use Strava, so kind of makes sense!)

T: 6 mi @ 9:26/mi + 20 min glutes/legs strength (Jermaine J)

W: Run with my 2 fastest running friends (J + P; P is a 60 yo guy who ran 3:20 at CIM!), 7.5 mi @ 8:29/mi ave, included 4 x 20 second strides

R: 6.5 mi in the cool rain, which felt amazing. 9:09/mi pace. 20 min upper body strength (Callie’s Roll Call) + 10 min core (Selena)

F: 7 mi @ 9:24/mi with 4 x 20 second strides in there at the end. The heat came back, blah. A very humid 73F.

S: 15 mi @ 9:14/mi. The weather did not cooperate for my LR; it was 74F with a dew point of 72. Honestly would have been categorized as GREAT weather if it were August, but not for January!

S: will be 30 min full body strength (did 20 full body with Callie / 10 barre with Ally Love). Wanted to get in yoga but it wasn’t in the cards!

Totals: 50 mi running / 0 biking / 3 strength days – one upper, one lower, one full body

Josh is using the Peloton even if I am not currently! I still think we will probably purchase it. I think it will get more use during the summer and also during recovery weeks between races, even if I don’t fit cycling in every week when running 6 days.

Right now, my year’s race plans look like:

FEB: A1A half in Fort Lauderdale

END OF MAY: Bayshore Marathon

JUNE/JULY/AUG: Recovery, cross train, strength, base build

SEPT: Marathon training block begins again

DEC: JAX Marathon

I think this is the best alignment with FL weather I can come up with, plus by the time JAX rolls around the BQ standard for me (based on age) will be easier so that’s a bonus!


  • Reply Lisa’s Yarns January 14, 2024 at 8:35 am

    Your training and race plans make total sense! I think it’s ideal to train and race during ideal seasons in your region. Like when I ran marathons, I never would have done a spring or early summer race because then I would have to run in what could be dangerously cold temps (it’s -12f right now -30f with the windchill!!). There were people in my run club that trained through the winter but it is so unpleasant and some of them ran with these things over their mouth that made them look like darth Vader. It was too extreme for me! I did a few runs in below zero weather and was like – NOPE!

    Awesome week of workouts on top of call! Your post also makes me really miss having a running buddy. A good friend used to live across the street from us and we ran similar paces. She moved 30 minutes away almost a year ago and we haven’t ran together since. 🙁 when my youngest is older and I can leave the house more easily then maybe we can meet up for runs. But that is a ways off…

  • Reply jennystancampiano January 14, 2024 at 5:22 pm

    You have a good race plan… watch out for that Ft. Lauderdale half though. Darlene (another running blogger) and I were supposed to run it last hear- she broke her foot and I got a stomach virus so we both DNS’d. This year, she and my husband were both supposed to run it and they BOTH sprained their ankles, so again, DNS for them. Just be careful, I think that race is cursed! ; )

    • Reply Sarah Hart-Unger January 14, 2024 at 9:28 pm

      Haha I did it last year! I just wish you were coming this year, would have been fun to meet up!

  • Reply coco January 14, 2024 at 7:56 pm

    exciting races coming up! So happy to see you fully recovered!
    I wish I have a runners group to join here for few runs. So far, I’ve been running alone or with Sofia. it would be fun to mix it up.

    • Reply Sarah Hart-Unger January 15, 2024 at 7:34 am

      yeah it’s really fun – I feel super lucky to have found these people AND that my fast friend doesn’t mind slowing down for me. It’s actually nice, she gets in easy miles while I get pushed a bit -prob good for both of us!

  • Reply Ashley D. January 15, 2024 at 7:53 am

    Hi! Could you talk about the Peloton and how you decided Bike vs. Bike+, rent vs. buy? Are you finding it enjoyable for a runner who prefers to run outside? We are debating a Peloton in our house.

    • Reply Sarah Hart-Unger January 15, 2024 at 11:07 am

      After talking to friends, I decided on Bike because the ‘auto adjust’ feature of the plus wasn’t that appealing to most. I much prefer to run outside but it’s a nice backup for a) bad weather or b) injury or c) just having a cardio day that is less pounding!

    • Reply Sarah January 15, 2024 at 12:21 pm

      Ashley, I’m a different Sarah – and not a current runner because of a rheumatological condition, though I used to run and do triathlons. We got a peloton in 2021. My husband (frequent and fast outdoor runner and half marathoner) and I both use it regularly! During training times, he might only use it once weekly, but in between training seasons he uses it to replace most of his running and preserve his cardio level while giving his joints a break. I use it 3-5 times a week and we also both do peloton strength regularly. My dad is also an avid runner and half marathoner and he now does peloton guided runs (outdoor or on his non peloton treadmill) almost exclusively because it has made him faster and improved his recovery to do their plans. I think it’s a fabulous addition to anyone’s routine and highly recommend it to give yourself options. 🙂 We were on my friend’s membership for about a year before we decided to try the bike. You can try it risk free for 30 days and see what you think. We did that and haven’t looked back!

    • Reply San January 21, 2024 at 1:01 am

      Hi Ashley, I am an outdoor runner and I bought a Bike+ in 2021 and it has been a great cross-training tool for me. I actually love the “auto adjust” feature a lot and I also think the auto calibration and swivel screen – make the Bike+ worthwile.

  • Reply San January 21, 2024 at 12:59 am

    Great work, Sarah. You are running a lot (I would never un 6 days) but the Peloton has been great cross-training for me.

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