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  • life Parenting

    5 on a Friday: Highs / Lows

    HIGHS 1- Hearing from a friend that BLP/Quintiles were mentioned on the Happier Ladies podcast (this episode!), and then hearing from the ladies themselves via email! This is a new podcast (they are on…

    January 19, 2024
  • life Parenting

    Starting 2024 with a Full Heart

    This holiday break was all that I needed and I feel really happy and grateful entering 2024. I am definitely filled with NYE (New Year’s Energy) and hope I can get it to last…

    January 2, 2024
  • Parenting

    G = 6!!!!

    6 years and 1 day ago, this happened: A few birthdays through the years: AND THIS IS 6: G’s favorite things: anything with sugar singing playing in dirt/sand/etc lying in bed and being read…

    December 12, 2023
  • life Parenting Weekend

    The Saturday I Needed

    TODAY SO FAR: 5:45: Alarm off –> got up (went to bed ~8 hours prior to that, so felt pretty rested!). Realized that the coffee maker had brewed hot water because I forgot to…

    December 2, 2023
  • Goals life Parenting

    Current Scene + 2024 Word/Concept

    Current scene: G’s doll hospital Reason for said scene: School is closed because of . . . rain. Okay fine, there was some flooding in some areas. And our school is prone to flooding.…

    November 16, 2023
  • life Parenting

    The Rest of Life

    Other things happening . . . While I have been going through my injury saga, life has continued to move forward. It feels bizarre that tomorrow the last two months of 2023 begin (aka…

    October 31, 2023
  • Parenting

    Spirit Week + Gratitude

    Spirit Week It’s “Spirit Week” at school. AND ALSO, it’s Costume Week at dance! The following outfits have been called for: (Pajama day, the only theme that perhaps requires less effort than just getting…

    October 24, 2023
  • life Parenting

    Regular Life Stuff

    I feel like fall rhythms are finally settling in. Honesty, everything felt a little dicey for a while — ever since returning from our long trip in August, I’ve felt kind of . .…

    October 3, 2023
  • life Parenting Weekend

    Weekend Things

    Things Happening ✔︎ Gymnastics (currently there!) ❏ Bday parties both days (both G only!) ❏ Piano* ❏ Gathering at our house ❏ Soccer game x 1 (first “away” game, thankfully only ~30 min away,…

    September 9, 2023
  • Parenting Reading

    Evenings Etc

    EveningsEvenings feel really different now than they used to. I blame COVID for making the transition so jarring.When the kids were little, they went to school, possibly had an after-school activity 1-2 times per…

    September 6, 2023