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The SHU Box

  • Some Follow Up !

    An effort to tie up some loose ends blowing in the wind . . . Evening Activities – Current vs Future + Plans This year, we had a few late-ish activities. C’s soccer ended…

    July 17, 2024
  • life Travel

    Catching Up!

    I took a little break from posting while we were traveling — not entirely sure why! I had the time . . . but perhaps I didn’t have the energy. Here is an incomplete…

    July 9, 2024
  • 2024, Part 2

    Just a little bit of New Year Energy . . . I needed it, and I feel like I am getting it from July 1. Starting 2 new planners helps — one is just…

    July 2, 2024
  • Summer Life

    This is a day late, but we had such a nice and CHILL weekend. There was almost nothing on the family calendar and it was what we all needed. (Or at least what I…

    June 18, 2024
  • life

    Five on a Friday: Feeling Peaceful

    We’re going to do today’s Friday 5 as more of a coffee chat style than a list of recs/links. Here we go! #1: I feel peaceful today! Wow, maybe I didn’t realize how much…

    June 7, 2024
  • JUNE!!

    I’ve been loving all of the June posts and summer-themed podcasts. (This morning I really enjoyed this one from Monica Packer of About Progress – we definitely lead very different lives but many commonalities…

    June 4, 2024
  • Bayshore Marathon: Race Report!

    Long Journey: Many readers know I’ve had “qualify for Boston marathon” on some sort of life list for many years now. Interestingly, that target has gotten more difficult in some ways as I’ve approached…

    May 26, 2024
  • life

    DITL #5/7: Sunday

    8:00 Up. YES, I slept in!! ~10 hours, and it was glorious. I did set an alarm but woke up on my own just as it was about to go off. Kids are still…

    April 29, 2024