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The SHU Box

  • Fashion

    Ups & Downs

    Maybe it’s a post-vacation thing (that weekend away was short, but it was much-anticipated and a big change of scenery/routine). Maybe my hormones are coming back (I am prone to PMS and honestly could…

    March 7, 2019
  • Weekend

    Weekend Highs & Lows

    I felt really triumphant about my recent solo parenting weekend, so one might think a lovely weekend in which both Josh and I were off would be easy peasy (lemon squeezy!), right? MEH. On…

    February 26, 2019
  • Weekend

    Weekend: Gearing Up

    Josh is on call this weekend, which means I will be mostly solo parenting. I will admit that as I sat at my work desk on Friday afternoon staring down 60 hours of managing…

    February 16, 2019
  • Valentine’s Day (Traditions)

    I don’t like Halloween very much and I absolutely despite April Fools’ Day. But before you pin me down as the worst holiday curmudgeon ever, I will say that I really love Valentine’s Day.…

    February 14, 2019
  • 5 on a Friday

    1    Today is the first day in quite some time that G has not been up making noise at 5 am. Her morning habits are the only thing about her that I’d like to change.…

    February 8, 2019
  • 80% Dilemmas

    I recognize I have a very good problem – I feel very lucky to be working at a place that has allowed me to work at 80% time, while still serving in a leadership…

    February 7, 2019
  • Self-Care Act of the Day

    I have dedicated a little corner of my daily Hobonichi planning page to this little item. Thus far, my self-care acts have included things as varied as: staying all day at work on a…

    February 6, 2019
  • It’s February, and I Feel Behind

    First of all, I have to say that while I am having a busy call week, I am dealing with some heartbreaking cases in the hospital that are providing automatic MAJOR perspective. At the…

    February 1, 2019
  • weekends, pants, workouts & more

    Well. Another weekend on the books. We are in a phase of life where each weekend is a mashup of fuzzy feelings of family togetherness spiked with intermittent bursts of frustration and exhaustion. Josh…

    January 22, 2019