Browsing Tag

half marathon training

  • Fitness Reading

    Weekly Workouts + Reading

    No post yesterday – my first non-blogging day in 2024! Honestly though I really needed a day of doing as little as possible, aside from my run. I did go to C’s soccer game…

    February 4, 2024
  • Fitness Reading

    Weekly Workouts + Reading

    Higher Mileage Week This week I hit 59 miles, in part because I moved Monday’s run to Sunday (dropping A at school at 6 AM for her field trip Monday = no run time!…

    January 28, 2024
  • Fitness

    Weekly Workout Report: Sick Edition

    So I ended up getting A’s illness. Yesterday morning I had a mild cough but otherwise felt fine and had no difficulties on my long run, which was completed in glorious mid-40s temperatures (such…

    January 15, 2023
  • Fitness Reading

    Sunday Workout Report Etc

    Mostly running Oops. More strength will be back next week! I have no good excuse, it just didn’t happen. M: 4.16 miles, part of it with my fast friend. Splits 10:10, 8:51, 8:55, 9:24,…

    November 27, 2022
  • Fitness Weekend

    Workout Report Etc

    Half Marathon Training Continues M: 3 mi @ 10:37/mi (74F / 89%) + 30 min Matty Giacomo glutes + legs strength T: rest W: 6.4 mi total: 2 mi warmup / 8 x 400m…

    October 23, 2022
  • Weekend

    December & Climbing Out

    Thank you all so much for your kind words, suggestions, commiseration, and support these past few weeks. I feel so, so, so much better. The shift was fairly sudden; I spent Black Friday indulging…

    December 2, 2019