Fitness Weekend

Workout Report Etc

October 23, 2022

Half Marathon Training Continues

M: 3 mi @ 10:37/mi (74F / 89%) + 30 min Matty Giacomo glutes + legs strength

T: rest

W: 6.4 mi total: 2 mi warmup / 8 x 400m @ 7:41-8:12 pace (was supposed to aim for 8:08) / 1.5 mi cooldown. 69F / 81%. This was a fun workout and went by so quickly!

R: 4 mi @ 10:36/mi (62F / 89%) + 30 min Andy Speer upper body strength

F: 8 mi total: 2 mi warmup / 2 mi @ 9:01 pace / 4 min jog / 2 mi @ 8:57 pace / 4 min jog + cooldown to reach 8 mi total. This one was more challenging but felt doable. The new Taylor Swift helped. And the weather! 65F / 88%

S: 4 mi @ 10:34/mi (64F / 92%) + 20 min Becs Gentry strength for runners

S: 8 mi @ 10:14/mi (66F / 92%)

Mileage total: 33.4 mi / Strength total: 3 workouts

PS: Congrats to PoF for a fantastic marathon finish (and ridiculously rock-steady splits)! Gives me hope I will still be able to ramp it up in my 40s as well!

Last night Josh and I enjoyed a date night seeing this:

Slow Burn Theater @ Broward Center. It was great!

Fun fact: I played Audrey in a college production of this show. It was sooo weird to hear all of the lines + songs I had memorized ~23 years ago, which apparently remained seared into a tucked away corner of my brain.

ALSO, I love date nights. So glad they are back. Before the show we had a rushed but delicious dinner @ Bandolero’s Taqueria. Mojito + hot honey tacos . . . two enthusiastic thumbs up.


  • Reply Jenn N October 23, 2022 at 3:47 pm

    So impressed with your training!! It gives me hope that once I’m out of the toddler years such a thing might be possible!

    • Reply Sarah Hart-Unger October 23, 2022 at 8:17 pm

      I definitely would have struggled to fit this in when kids were younger. Not that it would have impossible, but harder than it is currently.

  • Reply Lisa of Lisa’s Yarns October 23, 2022 at 4:02 pm

    Amazing week of workouts! Even pre kids I did not do stacked running + strength training. That is so impressive! It was another rough week of next to no workouts thanks to RSV. I did run yesterday. But I walked a ton Friday and Saturday since it’s a sure fire way to keep the toddler entertained. I logged 20k steps both days.

    Your date night sounds great!! I wouldn’t have guessed you were in theater in college! So cool! I really want to get back to date nights in 2023. We haven’t done them in sooo long. I think we need to take page from Kelsey in Phx’s book and do day dates.

    • Reply Sarah Hart-Unger October 23, 2022 at 8:16 pm

      re: theater, I was (am) not a great actress but have a decent singing voice 🙂 Chorus & a cappella galore in my past life . . .

  • Reply Coco October 23, 2022 at 6:41 pm

    Woooo ! you are running 6 days a week? that’s awesome. I only ran 4 times a week even when training for the marathon, you’ll rock your PR!!!

    • Reply Sarah Hart-Unger October 23, 2022 at 8:02 pm

      Training plan calls for 5-6. I do think the increased mileage is helping. Just hoping I don’t get injured!!!

      • Reply Grateful Kae October 24, 2022 at 8:20 pm

        Yes, just be careful!! Back when I trained for races and stuff, every time I tried to go above about 4 runs per week, I always ended up getting knee issues after a while… but maybe that’s just me and my touchy knees! I can become very over zealous sometimes and used to get SO excited by the training plan that I always wanted to do more/the more advanced plan with more miles or more speed work… but I had to really watch it cuz it never worked that great for me injury wise. But you also have a lot longer running history than I did at that time so you can probably handle a much higher volume.

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