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New Year

  • life Work

    5 Days In

    Year so far . . . I love this time of year. One question I have is: how can one extend the January newness and enthusiasm around goals for as long as possible? Because…

    January 5, 2023
  • COVID19 life

    New Year & Moving Forward

    It’s Day 5 of the new year. Never before has a resolution failed as spectacularly and as quickly as my 299 minutes of Screen Time yesterday. What can I say — I had a…

    January 5, 2021
  • COVID19 life Parenting

    Good Start to the Year

    All in all, the first day of 2021 was pretty great. Despite having COVID and some nagging (but not acute or scary!) symptoms, honestly . . . it was as nice as a weekend…

    January 2, 2021