Browsing Tag

solo parenting

  • life

    5 on a Friday: TS Edition

    1- Weather anxiety Agh. Summer in FL is never pleasant; people always assume this means “hot”, like Arizona or something. Yes, it’s a bit hot that is not the issue. Rather, it’s the near-constant…

    June 3, 2022
  • Parenting Planners

    Parenting Follow Up & More

    I wanted to share two of my favorite comments on Sunday’s post: “One thing I was wondering that might help you — you said you get frustrated because you’re trying to get them to…

    September 22, 2020
  • Parenting Weekend

    A Solo Parenting Weekend

    Josh worked essentially all weekend (he was on call and had a complicated case). I didn’t arrange any childcare, so it was all me. It ended up being . . . okay. I’m still…

    November 11, 2019
  • life


    Well! 30 days, 30 posts. That was a fun exercise. I do feel like I shared more mundane details than usual, and I think (hope) it was fun for some of you to get…

    September 30, 2019
  • Weekend

    Weekend-in-the-life, Continued

    I’ve never been one to post a play-by-play on Instagram until yesterday. It was actually somewhat fun as a novelty activity – I have no idea how some people do it all the time!…

    February 17, 2019
  • Weekend

    Weekend: Gearing Up

    Josh is on call this weekend, which means I will be mostly solo parenting. I will admit that as I sat at my work desk on Friday afternoon staring down 60 hours of managing…

    February 16, 2019