Browsing Tag

TBR list

  • Reading

    Q1 Reading List

    Seasonal TBR I’m going somewhat seasonal with my reading for this year! I like having a whole list figured out in advance because a) it helps me manage my library holds and b) it…

    January 9, 2024
  • life Travel

    5 on a Friday: Amelia Island Edition

    1- I am intrigued by this book! I’m only half through, but I am already ready to level up my Apple Notes organization. (It’s not bad, but now I see that it could be…

    December 29, 2023
  • Goals Reading

    Rested + Giving Myself Time

    I feel rested right now. I wouldn’t say that I am obscenely tired in my normal life, but I am definitely more tired/stressed/etc than I am right now. It’s a lovely feeling and I…

    December 28, 2022