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5 on a Friday: General Updates

July 15, 2022

1- I finished (and loved) Lessons in Chemistry. SO GOOD.

In 2022, I have read 22 books so far (tracked here!). I went through a total reading (and life) slump Jan – April, and then between May and now have read 15 of those 22. Interesting!

One major change I made was to start reading more on my phone or kindle while lying in bed with G. I resisted screen reading for so long and still really enjoy paper, but admittedly it is so incredibly convenient. And the Libby app is like magic!

2- I bought nothing on Prime day or the Nordstrom sale.

No, instead all $$$ has been put towards future travel recently. I actually try NOT to buy clothing on sale unless I’m restocking something I know I love. I end up getting sucked in and purchasing things that don’t serve me and ultimately it’s a waste of $.

Also, WOW the comments on yesterday’s post are fascinating! Thank you all for chiming in and adding to the conversation!

3- I am doing very well with my quest to check email/inputs less often . . . until about 1-2 pm every day. That seems to be when my brain runs out of some sort of chemical that promotes discipline and resolve. I guess that is still progress!

4- I am so excited to see A&C in two days!!!! (AND to get a 3-day couples trip in there too – G is staying home with our nanny, and she is excited too).

In case anyone is worried, they appear (from pix) to be having a blast.

waving hello

5- I officially took my ‘strength test’, completing TS with Andy #2! I am going to try the new “3 day splits” and do some more runner-specific workouts on the Peloton app for a while, and at some point will also try Caroline Girvan’s Iron Series.

AND I still have marathon thoughts. Maybe a local one this Feb, still contemplating! I do think I will do a half in late fall either way. And on that note, I am off to get ~6 mi in this morning! Happy Friday – my playlist includes 3 favorites, Happier, No Stupid Questions, and New Music Friday, in that order. I’m excited.


  • Reply KDR July 15, 2022 at 8:10 am

    I bought 15 lb weights on Prime Day to help with my Peloton strength workouts. I tried Total Strength but I didn’t like the rigidity of the program. So now I’m doing a once a week 45 minute strength workout and just doing whatever is new until I decide who I like best. Just decide to share since it’s relevant to two of the five points 🙂

  • Reply Lisa of Lisa's Yarns July 15, 2022 at 9:32 am

    I am glad you liked Lessons in Chemistry! I loved Elizabeth Zott sooo much! And her precocious daughter and the dog (even though I am really NOT a dog person).

    I did not buy anything during the amazon or Nordstrom sales. I never buy anything from the Nordstrom sale but I have used Prime days to buy big ticket items for the kids, like carseats. I am thrilled that we are done with those big-ticket/little-kid purchases! I know there are more expenses to come, but the baby stuff is so expensive and takes up SO MUCH SPACE! But I dream of a time when our oldest can move into a booster seat. It seems very far off since he’s so petite, though (30#, 40″).

    I loved reading through the comments yesterday. One thing I didn’t mention is having kids later in life also impacts our retirement decision. We’ll be 57 when our youngest graduates from HS since we had kids in our late 30s. So we’ll need to be in Minnesota until then. So I feel like one or both of us might as well be working since we like our jobs? Part time, which I think would be ideal, is not an option for either of us given the industry we work in. I guess I could retire in my 50s when my kids are in HS. I am sure I could entertain myself, but I am pretty sure my husband will keep working – and ideally we need company-sponsored health insurance with my health complications/extremely expensive medications. Plus my husband is the kind of person who doesn’t use up his vacation days because if we don’t have something planned, he feels like he might as well be working. Whereas I will take shouldless days or take days off when I don’t really have much planned besides puttering around the house. My parents didn’t retire until their early 70s since they owned a business together and had a hard time disengaging from that. They are luckily both healthy but it’s not in their DNA to travel, so their retirement looks different than I think/hope ours will.

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