M: 6 mi + 2 x 20s strides – middle part w/ my Monday running friend group. 6.2 mi, ave 9:25/mi, 68F 91%
T: 5.3 mi relaxed 10:12/mi, 70F 90%. (I have started to wear my Hoka Clifton 8s for all relaxed runs as opposed to my ASICS, I think mixing it up is helpful!) + 30 min Peloton Strength lower body
R: 6 mi + 2 x 20s strides – 6.2 total, 9:37/mi, 58F 83% (this weather felt like heaven)
F: 5 mi relaxed 10:00/mi, 63F, 73% + 20 min Peloton Strength full body
S: 14 mi @ 9:53/mi ave though somewhat of an accidental progression run (starting slower, finishing faster), 63F at start / 67F finish , 88%.
S: 3.3 mi @ 10:31/mi, 66F 95%.
The cooler temps (plus maybe increased conditioning?) means I’m finally seeing some HR data that isn’t terrifying — today was in 140s, long run in 150s. Even though my resting HR is in the 40s, I do a LOT of runs in the 160s+ that don’t even feel that hard.
TOTAL: 40 mi // strength x 2
I decided to track my nutrition in a quantitative way yesterday.
SOOOO by my estimations, yesterday I took in 363 grams carbs. 162 of those were either pre/during/post long run (36 pre / 69 during / 57 post-run breakfast). You guys, that is A LOT OF CARBOHYDRATE. The result? I felt great for essentially the whole 2.25 hr run, recovered really well, and was able to be active for the rest of the day. I also did not get a migraine though I think that has more to do with level of exertion/heat than anything else.
Anyway, I am on Team Carbs for performance these days. Note, I do not fuel like that on ‘regular’ run days – often I run fasted or with just like 1/2 banana. Currently the only time I use gels are for long runs. But for these efforts it seems really helpful even if it sometimes feels excessive. Once I get into longer mid-week workouts I’ll add some fuel on those days too, though. I think right now I am mostly base building, and I do feel like I am seeing progress with endurance and stamina.
You know I’m on team carbs :). And team sodium, too. When I do a hard long run – especially during the summer – I take a gel every 3 miles + drink Gatorade/Skratch. There are people I run with who (sometimes as a point of pride) will take one gel an hour and drink only a very little bit of water, but I’ve never seen that play out in better long runs or races.
I did think it was funny… Maurten’s new tag line from their advertisements is “Get used to it”. So you are definitely not the only one that finds Maurtens unpalatable!
I cannot imagine ever trying one again. Literal gag reflex thinking about it!!!!
I think if carbs help you to feel better during and after the run, definitely add more. I haven’t had long runs for a while, but once I do, i’ll start to fuel something during long runs. i still don’t like gels, so will probably find a couple to try as I ran out of maurtens.
anything in particular you eat after hard workouts or long runs?
more carbs 🙂 like cheerios/milk/banana or (today) plain oats with some peanut butter and raisins mixed in.
curious as to why you usually run fasted. Isn’t most of the wisdom now that women should eat a small amount at least prior to exercise? I’ve started earing half a graham cracker and (perhaps it’s psychosomatic) but I think I feel better. You feel fine fasted?
for slow runs under an hour, yep feel totally fine. I do have coffee and am now adding collagen (10g vital proteins) so I guess that’s not technically *fasted* but it’s not much. I am starting to do skratch hydration (80 kcal / 20g carb) before more effortful runs even like today when I have to keep up with faster friends 🙂
I would love to hear if you have any structure or practices for stretching/injury prevention. Or do you wing it?
Just strength training in general. Nothing else specific as of yet!