1- EVERYONE AROUND ME IS OR HAS RECENTLY BEEN SICK. Thus far, I am fine. Will I make it to the starting line of my half marathon unscathed on Sunday? I keep hoping! Trying not to be too distracted thinking about it, but it’s definitely on my mind. Best of luck to my fellow FL runner JENNY who is racing before me (and way, waaaaaaaay farther)!!!!
2- I finished reading Peak Mind this morning and loved the concepts and evidence presented by Dr Amishi Jha (PS, I’m jealous of her URL. Unfortunately shu.com is taken . . .). Recommend. It definitely has me motivated to continue my meditation habit and also to continue to work on cultivating “meta-awareness” — basically an awareness OF where your own awareness is from moment to moment!! Fascinating.
3- I haven’t been paying all that much attention to planner news (I know, I need to catch up!), but Simplified is having a pretty good sale and it includes a lot of non-dated items — pretty notebooks, clipfolios, and more. I guess they typically retire their patterns after a season or so, but they are still very pretty so these are nice deals!!
4- This was a pretty interesting Ezra Klein ep!! I definitely don’t want to spark a political debate (please!) but I suspect the episode will make a splash and I do think it was good to listen to.
5- 5 Things I’m looking forward to this weekend (inspired by Sarah):
It’s a Josh-call weekend but still lots of fun stuff going on.
- Watching C play tournament games (he has 3; I’ll be at 2 of them if not all 3)
- Carb loading for my race, haha (I mean, I actually am not sure carb loading is all that important for a half but I will definitely eat some extra pretzels and such tomorrow)
- Sleeping in a bit tomorrow and diving into two new books (I just finished up my NF and F picks on consecutive days; it’s always fun to start a fresh batch)
- A chill take-out-and-movie night on Saturday night — hoping I can find something all 3 kids are into: (Migration? They would also probably happily re-watch Wonka). I DO think having our new bigger TV will be a draw!
Good luck on your race!!!
Oh my gosh yes! Everyone is sick. I’ve been sitting at my desk all week as a parade of student come up to grab tissues. So much snot. So much coughing. I’ve been stressed about getting sick before out trip and my throat has been scratchy for a few days now. I’ve taken Umcka and AirBorne like crazy and I think I do have something but that my immune system is managing it pretty well. 🤞🤞🤞x infinity.
I hope you stay healthy for you half! You got this! Enjoy your weekend
Good luck – both in the health and the running department!!!!
Good luck! I hope everyone stays healthy. My boys (6&9) both loved migration.
That article on the election is so fascinating- thank you for sharing!
and good luck on the race!!
thanks! it’s actually sunday, I realized i typed saturday instead in the post – was 100% wishful thinking!!!