Fitness life Parenting

Recovery Week + Reading

June 2, 2024


M: REST (took 2 days of complete rest as race was Saturday)

T: 20 min easy run — I set out to walk but then tested the waters with a few running steps and it felt good, so I did 20 minutes’ worth. 2.08 mi @ 9:43/mi followed by 20 min of walking. My quads were definitely still sore but the light running felt good.

W: 20 min easy run — still some soreness, but definitely less than before. 9:30/mi.

R: 30 min easy run — not feeling sore anymore and legs starting to feel normal! 9:12/mi.

F: 40 min easy run — felt pretty normal though with no desire to push the pace. 9:15/mi.

S: 6 mi run — felt so leisurely to run for less than an hour on a Saturday! Not going to lie, I enjoyed the extra sleep. 9:18/mi.

S: EVLO Upper Body Foundations workout!! (I signed up for a free trial). I swallowed my pride and used weights that were way lighter than before . . . and it was still challenging. (Also a bit boring, not going to lie. I think my goal needs to be to master a strength routine I can eventually just set on autopilot and listen to podcasts while I do it . . .)



Decluttering at the Speed of Life by Dana K. White – ~50% through. I’m reading it instead of actually decluttering, haha.

Still Life by Louise Penny – ~10% through (just started really!)


The dance show was SOOOOO good!! G made so much progress since last year and A’s two dances were awesome, especially her jazz one (to Applause by Lady Gaga).

our program ad 🙂
(the quote from C is from a pandemic-era video where he made some funny comments about G dancing, it is a family classic)

AND, A made the competitive gymnastics team for next year (Xcel, for those in the gymnastics world which I think is the right call for a 12 year old just starting on team!). We just got the summer practice schedule and it’s pretty intense, 3 x 3.5 hr sessions per week! I am already wondering what next year will look like with now both A + C in more time consuming activities. BUT, I’m also so excited for her (and she is very excited too). And she will be able to continue some dance too which she really loves.


  • Reply Lisa’s Yarns June 2, 2024 at 1:02 pm

    You recovered so well! Does your marathon feel like it was so long ago? The days before memorial day seem like more than a week ago but the long weekend felt extra long for us since we had a lot of rain that kept us cooped up indoors.

    The program ad is so cute and I love family catch phrases. Mine is ‘I’m ready to be done now’ which is something I said in the middle of a hike in the hills above the Griffith Conservatory in LA. The trails aren’t well marked so we went down the wrong trail so made our walk/hike longer and the sun was setting and I was just so ready to be done. So now that is an oft-repeated phrase in our house.

  • Reply Brooke June 2, 2024 at 3:50 pm

    I loved Decluttering at the Speed of Life. It was such a great realistic way make progress and not make a bigger mess in the meantime. She’s got a bunch of YouTube videos if you need further motivation – I listen while decluttering.

  • Reply Seppie June 3, 2024 at 8:02 am

    I have been thinking of figuring out an “autopilot” strength routine, too. Going to cancel my peloton rental at least while the weather is nice, and trying to figure out if I want to keep the app or not. Keep us posted on what you decide!

    (And we still use catchphrases from family videos that were made decades ago, so I love it that you put one in your ad!)

  • Reply jennystancampiano June 3, 2024 at 8:48 am

    My week was kind of like yours, except that I walked every day (until today- I finally ran a little!) The easy running you did probably sped up recovery.
    Congratulations to A!!! I was just watching gymnastics on TV last night. I’ll bet your girls are excited to watch the Olympic gymnasts this summer (I know I am.)
    Ugh- strength. I’ve tried so many different things and can never seem to get on a really regular program. But, I’m going to focus on it this summer so we’ll see what happens.

  • Reply Nikki June 3, 2024 at 3:46 pm

    So exciting about the gymnastic from another Xcel family! We love it. Biggest recommendations are to set up some carpools to help with all the days of practice (plus fun for the girls) and make sure she eats well! My daughter gets really cranky anytime she’s hungry – but she’s younger so still prone to running off from meals to goof off with her little sisters and not totally realizing she’s hungry, maybe easier with a 12 year old! Good luck, summer is such an exciting time as they learn new skills!

    • Reply Sarah Hart-Unger June 3, 2024 at 9:00 pm

      Thank you!!! Yes will definitely take advantage of carpool if we can. Our gym is actually very convenient (10 min drive and right next door to the dance studio which is good if say G has dance at same time). And yes to snacks – going to be some long practices. Guessing you’d need like essentially a meal before and after …

      • Reply Nikki June 4, 2024 at 4:44 pm

        Totally! Our practices run 4 – 8 pm, so we try to do exactly that – meal before and after. I’m not always home before so sometimes that just looks like a peanut butter sandwich and other favorite snacks that I’ve left in her bag for her to eat on her ride there, but me and my husband being conscious to make sure she eats more than a banana, for example, made a big difference in her overall mood. I was worried about sleep coming home that late, but that didn’t end up being a big deal, she eats and gets to bed/sleep pretty quick and wakes up on her own. Just wait until you go to her first competition, it’s so amazing to watch, I’m always so impressed with their composure and braveness, fun journey ahead!

        • Reply Nikki June 4, 2024 at 4:52 pm

          And I’m so jealous of how convenient your gym is!! Ours is 15 minutes but can be more than double that during rush hour

          • Sarah Hart-Unger June 4, 2024 at 4:57 pm

            I feel super lucky about this too. Would be really hard otherwise.

        • Reply Sarah Hart-Unger June 4, 2024 at 4:58 pm

          Yes this summer it’s 4-7:30 3x/week though they said later (start after 5) during the school year …

  • Reply Laura A June 4, 2024 at 3:33 pm

    Hi! I’ve been reading your blog for a few years now, but I don’t think I’ve commented before. 🙂
    I used to only do cardio (horseback riding and kickboxing, and eventually added some running in too), and when I started using weights, I mostly did circuit-type workouts where it was still fast-paced and kept/required 100% of my attention. But I really started to gain muscle and get noticeably stronger when I rested more between sets, chose heavier weights, and did the number of reps that my muscle groups would allow, rather than have them be dictated by the end of a time interval or by my HR or RR. All that to say – doing strength on autopilot is somewhat attainable, in that you’ll know how to do the exercises, the order they’re in, etc. But I’d recommend still paying enough attention to your session to take note of the weights you’re using, number of reps, and rest time between sets. I do listen to podcasts during workouts, but sometimes need to rewind them 30-60s to replay what I wasn’t focused on. 🙂

    • Reply Sarah Hart-Unger June 4, 2024 at 3:55 pm

      that totally makes sense. and the ‘right’ way to strength train. I don’t think those circuits are ideal and I actually hate mixing cardio with my strength (my runs are MORE THAN ENOUGH cardio. i want to fatigue my muscles not my heart during strength sessions).
      this comment makes me think my initial instinct to go with a trainer (and gym) would be the best but I’m not sure I have the bandwidth or $ for that right now!

  • Reply San June 7, 2024 at 5:22 pm

    That sounds like a low-key recovery week. It must be nice to run shorter distances 😉

    And so exciting to hear that G made such strides in dancing. You must be so proud.

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