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  • COVID19 Fashion

    Omicron Etc

    Lots of COVID ’round these parts (Broward County): Interestingly, it doesn’t feel like anyone knows what to do about it anymore. I am glad that schools remain open (as I strongly believe they should).…

    January 6, 2022
  • COVID19 life Work

    Holiday Call Week: Game On

    And so it begins . . . My call week starts today. I am going to try my best to not flail out into a stress spiral. Quite honestly, It’s going to be challenging.…

    December 21, 2021
  • COVID19 Planners

    Few Assorted Things

    1- I forgot to mention Manta Planner in my show notes yesterday! Lani actually reminded me (thank you!) that I mentioned this planner product specifically designed for cancer patients undergoing treatment on Monday’s show.…

    September 28, 2021
  • COVID19 life Reading


    Such thoughtful comments on yesterday‘s post! I am not finished with my wellness presentation, unfortunately. It will be given Sept 30th in whatever state it is in, but how meta that it is totally…

    September 22, 2021
  • COVID19

    Breathe In, Breathe Out

    Yesterday Yesterday, I basically took the entire day and wallowed in my feelings. I lowered all of the usual expectations for myself. I got a minimum amount of work done during the day, but…

    August 25, 2021
  • COVID19


    The kids have had 4 days of school. As of this moment, Annabel and Cameron both quarantined already (one case in each class) and stuck at home for varying amounts of time. They do…

    August 24, 2021
  • COVID19 life

    Check In #3: SOUL

    I guess by soul I really mean “emotions”, but Mind / Body / Emotions did not have the same ring to it. I think anyone following along can tell that I am feeling somewhat…

    August 12, 2021
  • COVID19

    Check In

    Mind Yesterday was re-entry after a week off. I would not say it went well. Reasons: I did not get adequate sleep the prior 2 nights (in part due to anxiety about re-entry. #%(*$(@)…

    August 10, 2021
  • COVID19 life

    One Foot In Front of the Other

    I have 100% been wallowing in this new surge. I guess I just thought we were largely done. The 2021-2022 school year was a promise of normalcy (or near-normalcy). I was hoping to make…

    July 28, 2021