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  • life

    Grateful today for . . .

    1- My speed workout went well!! I’m nearing the end of my training cycle and will be happy to take a break from fighting the heat in a longer speed workout soon. But today’s…

    May 7, 2024
  • Goals life

    DITL Takeaways + MAY

    Takeaways from the DITL/Time Tracking First of all, thank you all so much for your support during the last week of DITL posts! As I wrote yesterday, I had fun doing it and it…

    May 2, 2024
  • life

    Day 7/7: Tuesday

    FINALLY. Not going to lie, this exercise started to get a bit old for me! These detailed recaps take a bit more time than my typical blog posts, and I miss writing about things…

    May 1, 2024
  • life Work

    DITL #6/7: Monday

    4:30 Up, coffee/collagen/vitamins/grahams/water, quick BLP show notes post (I copy + paste from what I had already written for the show notes!), read (started Open by Nate Klemp and read the intro), plan day…

    April 30, 2024
  • life

    DITL #5/7: Sunday

    8:00 Up. YES, I slept in!! ~10 hours, and it was glorious. I did set an alarm but woke up on my own just as it was about to go off. Kids are still…

    April 29, 2024
  • life

    DITL #4/7: Saturday!

    Saturday = Long Run Day For the past ~14 months or so, I have been doing long runs on Saturday. Unless a) on vacation b) injured or c) in major taper mode, I have…

    April 28, 2024
  • life Work

    DITL #3/7: Friday (Clinical Day)

    Is it weird to read about a Friday when it’s already Saturday? Ahh well! I am really glad I have been writing things down because my memory for time use is pretty terrible. Maybe…

    April 27, 2024
  • life

    DITL #2/7: Thursday

    On Tuesdays and Thursdays I work for myself! (Unless it’s a call week — 6 per year — or vacation!) I usually try to be pretty specific with my goals for the day since…

    April 26, 2024
  • life

    DITL #1/7: Wednesday

    Wednesdays are work days for me, but generally they are the least busy work days. In our practice, every provider gets 1/2 a day of “admin” weekly. I generally get something like 1/3 of…

    April 25, 2024