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The SHU Box

  • Planners Travel

    Time + Money Math

    Time Tetris Thank you for your thoughts yesterday. I have been thinking about it, and it’s really just . . . math. I can’t realistically fit all of the things I mentioned into the…

    June 7, 2023
  • life Parenting

    End of School, I Need 186 Hours, ETC

    Last DAY!!! I brought Target gift cards (and thank you notes!) around to the teachers yesterday morning. There was nothing Pinterest-y about it, but if I were a teacher I would prefer a pile…

    June 6, 2023
  • Welcome JUNE

    New Month = New Phone Background Once again, I downloaded mine from The Everygirl. I chose another image (fresh papayas, no calendar) for my home screen. I find having seasonal images on my phone…

    June 1, 2023
  • 5 on a Friday: PreTween/Tween Edition

    1- MY TURN. Josh was on full-on kid duty last weekend while I was in CA, and now it’s my turn (though hopefully I can still get in my early long run tomorrow –…

    May 12, 2023
  • May Goals

    Lots of great comments on yesterday’s screen time-related post. It’s a new month so . . . new goals list! I also ‘closed out’ April, either migrating or abandoning undone goals. AND, I made…

    May 3, 2023
  • Back to Feeling OK

    Summary: I really hate being sick. My heart goes out to those with chronic illnesses who face days like I had yesterday (and Sunday) on the regular. It’s just SO HARD to do all…

    April 25, 2023
  • 4 Fun Things

    1- Most neglected sense: I feel like this may make me weird, but it’s probably true. Now I know why I do not care about decor . . . What is yours, if you’ve…

    April 18, 2023
  • Reading Weekend

    5 on a Friday: Short and SWIFT Edition

    (see #2. I’m bitter but STILL could not resist a pun!) 1- Leo Babauta says we overcomplicate our task systems. I agree with getting tasks out of our inboxes and onto lists. I disagree…

    April 14, 2023
  • life

    Less hectic day

    Today is decidedly less crazy than Tuesday was. And yesterday, for that matter. I wish I could take a week off to recover after call! (And actually . . . was thinking that as…

    February 9, 2023