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The SHU Box

  • life

    Diet Culture, the Patriarchy, and Real Life

    I sort of feel like a hypocrite. I enjoy the podcast Maintenance Phase and love that discussions about body acceptance and diet culture are having a moment. I HATE how much time and energy…

    May 4, 2022
  • Planners Weekend


    It’s a Josh-call weekend. (Didn’t we just have one of those? Nope, it was 3 weeks ago. But somehow feels more recent . . .) TO DO: ❏ Get groceries (order and/or shop –…

    April 9, 2022
  • out & about

    Yesterday was slightly exhausting but fun. I crossed off everything on my list except for the bday party reschedule (yes, I found my AirPods – whew). The benefit of being out of the house…

    March 20, 2022
  • life

    Looking Up

    I am feeling a bit better this week. Things helping: 1- We had a great weekend. Perfect = no. But filled with a lot of fun things nonetheless. 2- I have a therapist appointment…

    February 22, 2022
  • Etc

    On the positive side: G is better! After a rough night, she was completely fine alllllll day yesterday. Thus far, there does not seem to be spread beyond the two of us. So that…

    February 16, 2022
  • life

    Needing a break . . .

    WELL. This week has been rough. At least call is over! I feel tired and sort of . . . put upon. The past few days, I have been extremely sensitive to people treating…

    February 9, 2022