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The SHU Box

  • Parenting Travel

    5 Very Quick Things on a Friday

    From the plane ($15 wifi . . . seems to be functioning). Self-a-delphia trip w/ Genevieve is underway! 1- G got a COVID vaccine! Moderna @ Walgreens. She did have a brief fever right…

    July 1, 2022
  • BLP Episode 100 (!): Ask Me Anything

    Celebrating 100 – a big milestone in podcast land! I received lots of wonderful questions via email, comments, and Insta (made a 3 day reappearance!) and it was really fun to answer them all…

    June 27, 2022
  • Email Experiment

    In order to work on my email checking tendencies (and perhaps play around a bit with purposeful discomfort, if not-pressing-the-dopamine-inducing-lever can be seen as discomfort?), I am going to try an experiment. For today,…

    June 23, 2022
  • life


    Josh is not awake yet, but I emerged this morning to the above setup. An Anna Delvey birthday gift bag? Not basic at all. Haha. (If you did not watch Inventing Anna, please ignore.…

    May 20, 2022
  • life

    This is (almost) 42

    I was reading this click-baity Vox article yesterday and noted to Josh that perhaps I am having a midlife crisis. Crisis probably the wrong word though, because it doesn’t feel particularly bad. Just a…

    May 17, 2022
  • life Planners

    5 on a Friday: TGIF Edition

    1- This felt like one of the longest weeks of my life. Lots of emotion. Lots of crying. Lots of change in progress. At some point I will elaborate on all of that, but…

    May 13, 2022
  • Tough Day & Some Boxes

    Yesterday was the most challenging workday I’ve ever had, from an emotional standpoint. But I survived, and one way or another, I have to believe things will be okay. Today I will just try…

    May 10, 2022
  • life

    Diet Culture, the Patriarchy, and Real Life

    I sort of feel like a hypocrite. I enjoy the podcast Maintenance Phase and love that discussions about body acceptance and diet culture are having a moment. I HATE how much time and energy…

    May 4, 2022