Browsing Tag

amelia island

  • life Parenting

    Starting 2024 with a Full Heart

    This holiday break was all that I needed and I feel really happy and grateful entering 2024. I am definitely filled with NYE (New Year’s Energy) and hope I can get it to last…

    January 2, 2024
  • Travel

    Vac Days 3-5: Space Coast + Amelia Island

    Monday: We drove from Orlando to Cape Canaveral (just about 1 hour) to visit Kennedy Space Center! Josh has been wanting to make this trip for quite some time and I kept resisting because…

    August 11, 2022
  • Travel

    Vacation Log Continued

    Might as well keep this going! Yesterday a commenter asked if I bring/use my planner(s) on vacation. The answer is YES. I do a daily page, mostly to remember and appreciate the fun things…

    August 6, 2021
  • Travel

    Vacation Template

    Yesterday’s template (which may be similar to today’s): 7 AM: Kids up (because G cannot seem to sleep much later, sadly!) Slow breakfast / hang out 9 AM: Beach 11 AM: Pool 12:30 PM:…

    August 4, 2021
  • Travel


    Made it! First trip longer than a long weekend (this trip was great but very short!) in 2 years. Even with CV19 rates approaching “severe”, I am glad we went. We really needed a…

    August 3, 2021
  • Travel

    Notes from The Retreat

    So far, I have slept a lot (nap yesterday & slept in today!), bought a lot (online, my budget notes won’t look quite so virtuous for March I fear!), and finished some nagging blog-related…

    March 6, 2020