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  • life Travel

    Catching Up!

    I took a little break from posting while we were traveling — not entirely sure why! I had the time . . . but perhaps I didn’t have the energy. Here is an incomplete…

    July 9, 2024
  • Travel


    To be home (not planning on solo travel with the kids anytime soon. Maybe when everyone is 8 or older.) To be done with making pies (why yes, that is a link to my…

    November 25, 2021
  • life Parenting

    Brief Updates: Vero, Camp, Etc

    1- Josh and I had a lovely time on our Vero trip. We stayed here and I would definitely recommend! It was not crowded though I am sure that may vary by season. We…

    October 19, 2021
  • life Parenting Weekend

    WBR Day 2: Somber Interlude

    My uncle passed away last week, so instead of the MyGym class I had on our master schedule, I will be attending his funeral. He was always happy and seemed to really enjoy his…

    December 22, 2019
  • life

    Update and Moving Forward

    Thanksgiving week. I am trying (and somewhat failing) to get excited. For better or for worse, we have a lot of family events planned. I have 2 days of work this week, and then…

    November 25, 2019
  • Planners

    Why I Plan

    KK’s ceremonies were beautiful and while tears were shed, we were also celebrating her life, which more than one person referred to as charmed. There is no question that she truly enjoyed her days…

    October 8, 2019
  • life

    Fresh starts, habits & family

    This is a bit of a clean slate week for me. A month or so ago, I decided I needed a few days off — our summer trip had been unsatisfying and short, and…

    October 7, 2019
  • life

    Rituals // 5 on a Friday

    Dare I say . . . I rather miss the morning ritual of writing here every day? It actually doesn’t take all that much time and fits nicely into my morning routine. On weekdays,…

    October 4, 2019
  • life Parenting

    still here!

    I feel behind, having been swallowed up into a vortex of kids’ activities, work deadlines, student homework planners, and the like. A & C took a break from most organized activities last spring, having…

    August 27, 2019
  • life

    Back to (sort of) normal, and some links

    Our nanny was thankfully able to work Wednesday, Thursday, and (most likely) today, and while she will be out for 1-2 weeks soon, we have a better backup plan in place (the other semi-retired…

    July 26, 2019