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May goals

  • life

    It is MID MAY

    May has been absolutely kicking my butt. Factors at play: All this is to say that the only progress I have made on ANY long term project is to (drumroll, please) . . MEET…

    May 15, 2024
  • Goals life

    DITL Takeaways + MAY

    Takeaways from the DITL/Time Tracking First of all, thank you all so much for your support during the last week of DITL posts! As I wrote yesterday, I had fun doing it and it…

    May 2, 2024
  • May Goals

    Lots of great comments on yesterday’s screen time-related post. It’s a new month so . . . new goals list! I also ‘closed out’ April, either migrating or abandoning undone goals. AND, I made…

    May 3, 2023
  • Goals

    it’s MAY: goals & vibes

    I am really looking forward to this month. I have to be careful, because I can become quickly overhyped + let down by May — not only is it usually filled with end-of-year activities,…

    May 1, 2022