Browsing Tag

reading list

  • life Parenting Reading

    5 on a Thursday . . .

    1- I really liked this post from The Frugal Girl yesterday: Being easily pleased is a superpower. It is a superpower, yet it is not always easily accessible. However, I 100% agree it is…

    March 3, 2022
  • 5 on a Friday: There goes another month!

    HAPPY FRIDAY. And happy end-of-the-month! 1- GRIT. I started. It’s already fascinating. I need to redo my 2021 reading list! As I mentioned, I’d like to replace the Amazon links with Bookshop. In addition,…

    April 30, 2021
  • Goals Habits life Reading

    5 on a Friday

    1- Annabel got a palate expander. She has never been one to be particularly zen about discomfort (understatement) so . . . as one might imagine, this has not been a seamless transition for…

    January 15, 2021
  • COVID19 Reading

    Day 64: Finite

    Blame my impending birthday. I was happily adding books to my 2020 Reading List (it is now LONG!), with contributions from the MMD Guide + other recommendations. Thus far in 2020, I have read…

    May 18, 2020
  • Budget Reading

    Feb Books & $$$

    Books Finished in February: a very non-fiction month for me! Usually my balance is about 2:1 novel:nonfiction. February featured mostly non-fiction (and really mostly personal development!). I know it’s a genre that many despise…

    March 3, 2020