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  • Catching Up

    Weekend Overview We (me + all 3 kids) saw Mean Girls (2024 musical version). It was fun to see Tina Fey reprise her role, and some elements of the original DID need updating. At…

    January 23, 2024
  • Budget

    Not really shopping

    I KNOW, all the Black Friday deals. But something about the collective buying frenzy tends to turn me off just when prices are at their lowest. I learned a long time ago that settling…

    November 22, 2023
  • 4 Fun Things

    1- Most neglected sense: I feel like this may make me weird, but it’s probably true. Now I know why I do not care about decor . . . What is yours, if you’ve…

    April 18, 2023
  • life Parenting Weekend

    SUNDAY report

    DONE: 6 mi long(ish) run. Felt decent despite 80F / 82% humidity. (Also a 20 min Strength for Runners class and a 20 min yoga class on the Peloton app, a ‘stack’ on Saturday.)…

    July 31, 2022
  • life

    5 on a Friday: under the weather edition

    1- I spent the week sort of ignoring that I’m sick, but I am and it’s annoying. I was determined not to let anything get in the way of my workout schedule (#upholder) but…

    January 24, 2020