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The SHU Box

  • Back to School: Here We Go!

    I am pleased to announce that both our private school and our local public school district (Broward – it has been in the news for this) are requiring masks for the start of this…

    August 17, 2021
  • 5 quick notes on a Friday

    1- Today is the day I will catch up on all pending patient-related things. (Very much hoping!). I am basically caught up in GME/admin and have made progress on the clinical end, though I…

    August 13, 2021
  • Show Notes: Back To School!

    I love back to school season and greatly enjoyed recording this episode! (We are also almost ready for back to school season around here – backpacks ready, school/lunch supplies ready, uniforms set, new shoes,…

    August 9, 2021
  • Best Laid Plans

    BLP is Back: Ep #53

    In this episode, I review the Compact Daily Planner Review from &Studium, discuss what I’ve been up to planning-wise, and answer one Q&A! Housekeeping notes: I am back to releasing episodes weekly! Please send…

    August 2, 2021
  • Parenting

    Screens & Things

    We told the kids a week or so ago that we would be taking the month off of iPads. This was prompted by a display of bad behavior from one kid in particular (ie,…

    July 13, 2021
  • COVID19 life

    Adding back . . .

    A very common late-pandemic trope is the discussion about adding things back slowly and not feeling ready to do too much yet. One example of where I’ve heard it mentioned frequently is Edit Your…

    June 30, 2021
  • 5 on a Friday

    1- Packed day follow up. I did, as many suggested, order takeout delivered to my desk. (Bringing lunch would also have worked, but I didn’t manage to do it!). Like some of you commented,…

    June 11, 2021
  • Back to Work Book: Winner!

    The Get to Work Book goes to comment #20 (as they are listed): SARAH! (Don’t worry – it’s not me. That would be rather sad to enter my own giveaway). This Sarah is Sarah…

    May 26, 2021
  • Fashion

    Superficial Edition: SHORTS

    I will be 41 next week. I have been thinking about what I want to wear this summer. My typical uniform of dark skinny jeans & tee isn’t ideal in 90+ temps with FL…

    May 11, 2021