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  • life

    Ups & Downs

    Positive Things: 1- I had a massive clinical catchup day at work and no longer feel panic when I look at my EPIC inbox. I had a light patient day which allowed me to…

    April 27, 2022
  • life

    we moved!

    I survived my 3 days/nights of call. I cannot say I had the most pleasant 3 days, but I had a reasonably good attitude. 3 days in a row is so much better than…

    April 22, 2022
  • life


    I got no calls overnight, which I am fairly shocked about because the day was quite busy. I still struggled with some call anxiety, I have to admit. BUT I did have more help…

    April 20, 2022
  • COVID19 life Weekend

    Deep & Shallow

    Deep Thoughts About: Why has life felt so stressful lately? Is this just permanent and a part of the phase of life I am in? Are some of the pressures very much self-inflicted (probably)?…

    January 29, 2022