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  • Habits

    Gmail Inbox Zero

    Email Etc I had one major goal yesterday: Inbox Zero for my personal account. I am a huge believer of regular email cleanouts as part of my weekly review process. I do not like…

    March 16, 2022
  • Habits

    Off the Wagon

    Oops. Since November 29, I have dutifully stuck to my self-imposed total phone Screen Time limit of 100 minutes. And then yesterday happened. I was triggered by some suspense followed by very happy news…

    December 16, 2021
  • Habits life

    Instagram (Deleted)

    I did delete Instagram from my phone the other day, after my rant here. I had to reinstall it to do my weekly podcast post, but promptly deleted it again. I also checked in…

    November 10, 2021
  • Habits life Parenting

    Just 2 on a Friday

    DISTRACTION. Last night was another one of those nights I got sucked into the Instagram-a-verse and could not get myself out. This morning, after reading a particularly relevant chapter in 4000 Weeks, I deleted…

    November 5, 2021
  • Goals Habits life Planners

    Goals Update . . .

    I did order my 2022 PowerSheets for next year. I don’t consider PowerSheets to be a planner, even though there are some planner-like elements. I use them as an adjunct. I mostly use them…

    October 7, 2021
  • Habits life

    Some Odds ‘n’ Ends

    SCHOOL After our initial quarantine event, the school year seems to be going well so far. Our community positivity rates and hospitalization rates are coming down despite school openings and I very much hope…

    September 15, 2021
  • Habits life

    Online Shopping Etc

    New Month Report Yesterday was good. I even met my self-imposed screen time limits for the first time in forever! New month energy always helps! And my headache was gone. Thank you to those…

    September 2, 2021
  • Habits Planners

    OMG It’s September!

    I am — as usual — excited for this new month. August ended with a migraine (hence no post yesterday) and some very hectic work weeks. September promises . . . a lot of…

    September 1, 2021