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The SHU Box

  • Best Laid Plans

    BLP Ep #24: 2021 Planning Setup

    In this episode, I discuss my Quintiles system, and then delve into all of the systems I will be using in the new year. (Some of them aren’t new, but I don’t think I’ve…

    January 4, 2021
  • COVID19 Planners

    Quarantine Continues + Giveaway Winners

    Well. Just as we were starting to near the latter part of the kids’ quarantine countdown (today is day #12), we have restarted the clock. Josh tested positive yesterday. He has had cough and…

    December 30, 2020
  • 20 Left in 2020

    It occurred to me this morning that there are 20 days remaining in 2020. This feels momentous enough for me to set some lofty goals: 1- Double down on phone use/#op100. I was so…

    December 12, 2020
  • life Parenting

    Evenings Revisited

    I am inspired by Laura to write a post on the state of our evenings. Lest anyone think that my relative calm/okay state recently means that I have this whole parenting thing figured out…

    November 19, 2020
  • life

    A Few Things

    COVID Cases are up though still not up to our FL-summer-spike levels. I have received multiple notifications of positives in both kids’ schools though not yet in any of their classes (and I do…

    November 11, 2020
  • Weekend Work


    HIGHS! The election! And Biden/Harris totally rocking their speeches last night! Made me so happy. Cameron was so excited that he fell asleep. Um . . . call has been okay? LOWS! We are…

    November 8, 2020
  • Morning Hijinks

    It’s 5:47 am and I believe all 3 kids are up. AGHGHGH I hate the time change! I always find that even after adjusting bedtime, the earlier mornings persist for weeks. We also recently…

    November 5, 2020
  • life

    5 on a Friday

    1- I voted! I had to wait in an outdoor line for ~30 minutes at our early voting location, but had headphones and the weather was decent, so it wasn’t bad. I did not…

    October 23, 2020
  • Planners Work

    Appreciative Inquiry Etc

    Yesterday was much better. Thankfully! I had a good patient day, a lovely resident, completed all outstanding notes, and took care of some other nagging things. We also got our residency applications for the…

    October 22, 2020