not tonight, though. current loves 1) lean in, which i read this week. i actually wasn’t sure what i’d think of this controversial volume, but i found myself nodding vigorously to so many points sheryl sandberg…
i will miss you. for the last 11 years, you have been my home. i moved here fresh out of college, mostly hoping for warmer weather than williamstown, MA [check], low cost of living…
currently somewhat obsessed with TIME. perhaps to an unhealthy degree. i could probably rattle off, to the 15-minute increment, how i spent the day with annabel today. [in fact, perhaps i will.] sunday 5.26.2013…
selected pages from the photobook that does actually exist now! i am sure there is a complex psychology to why i was finally able to complete this project after writing in last week’s fake…
i just finished a 3 day course on resilience for health care professionals, and it was really wonderful. the material presented in the course wasn’t all new to me, but just having 3 full…
ingredients for a spectacular birthday: 4 easy miles of running 7 hours of really interesting learning about physician burnout, resilience, and positive psychology an unspecified amount of pink champagne several lovely calls from family…
without meaning to, i spent most of this weekend unplugged. don’t get me wrong: i still FaceTimed and googled and GPS’d my runs. but there were no prolonged stretches of internet time, and i…
i just had to come here and let you all know about my recent victories. in no particular order . . . i have been cooking every night, and josh and i have been…
1. i’m using my paper running journal again after a brief hiatus. i actually really like being able to see trends in my pace this way and there is something just so satisfying about marking…
forgive me if this post is a little disjointed. i’ve just been cooking and thinking and enjoying a delicious glass of dolcetto, and my thoughts are a bit of a jumble — but a…