First, I am happy to report that yesterday went as well as one can expect! Annabel held down the fort all morning, and G slept through the afternoon while the iPad babysitter kept A&C…
We again interrupt the habits series because I feel it is worth discussing today’s disaster dilemma challenge. Our nanny is unable to come (health issue that is typically short lived, thankfully not COVID related)…
In my old life, getting 10K steps/day was not hard. First of all, if I went for a run — well, there went ~6-10K, depending on the length! Second, life contained myriad opportunities to…
HI! I have promised show notes, so here we go! Episode #2 is out! It’s 19 minutes long and a detailed account of my current weekly review process, with plenty of ideas for customization!…
I owe you all a more detailed recap of How to Stop Losing Your Sh*t with Your Kids, but two lessons from the book have been key for me. 1 is to identify your…
Don’t worry, the habits series will resume tomorrow. I wanted to share that the very first episode of Best Laid Plans is UP! The launch was going to be Monday but somehow Ep1 was…
I have been doing 10 minutes of daily meditation fairly consistently since this pandemic began. Someone told me about Headspace being free to healthcare workers until the end of 2020, so I signed up…
Guilt about privilege. Guilt about working. Guilt about not working hard enough. Guilt about sending the kids to school. Guilt about having in home care. Guilt about finding it all painful anyway. Guilt about…
I ended up accomplishing almost none of yesterday’s to do list, mostly because I napped for ~2.5 hours accidentally. Oops. Sometimes Sunday just needs to be lazy . . . We did get the…
Well! A yard that size certainly helps when you are hosting a socially distanced party (they rented the giant inflatable 30′ water slide). I felt pretty comfortable at this party. Everyone masked (kids included…