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morning routine

  • life

    Time Time Time . . .

    Time, time, timeSee what’s become of meWhile I looked around for my possibilitiesI was so hard to pleaseBut look aroundLeaves are brownAnd the sky is a hazy shade of winter — Simon & Garfunkel…

    September 13, 2023
  • Habits life


    We are definitely NOT talking about my body here 🙂 (Full on tangent: I was so flexible as a kid and teen! Splits, straddles, backbends. And then running happened. I need to do more…

    November 3, 2022
  • Habits life Parenting


    Things that are going well Operation 100, Revisited.  After starting my Insta-break, reducing my phone’s screen time became instantly easier.  Imagine that.  I spent a few days oddly flitting back between email and feedly, but…

    April 29, 2021
  • life

    5 on a Friday

    1- TWO podcasts to check out: No Stupid Questions with Freakonomics host Steven Dubener + Grit author and psychologist Angela Duckworth. Love their discussions which often center around the intersection of economics and psychology.…

    January 22, 2021
  • life Work

    AM routine & call day 1/7

    I’ve probably written at least a dozen morning routine posts over the years, because it’s always changing! But since I had a recent request, here is the current one: 4:40 or so: alarm (using…

    February 5, 2020
  • life Parenting

    Routines & a back-to-school idea . . .

    I spend a lot of time thinking about routines.  Definitely more than normal people.  I am also obsessed with others’ routines.Routines don’t make up the entirety of our lives, but they certainly comprise a…

    August 6, 2019