We didn’t do much yesterday — the big kids each had basketball practice, but that was about it. I feel like I spent at least 75% of the day cleaning up the house (post-meals,…
I recently mentioned that I finished Daring Greatly and didn’t necessarily feel I had much work to do related to being vulnerable or taking chances. I mean — I write this blog, don’t I?…
My desk is a mess, my email is a mess, and whatever the opposite of organized is — that’s how I feel about next week. But no regrets – it was a nice weekend.…
Today is a day I probably would not post under usual circumstances. Josh and I were up on the later side and then G woke up at 2:30 AM for about an hour. It…
I don’t like to get up super early (as in 5 am, before the kids) on weekends — I’ll do it out of absolute necessity sometimes, like if Josh is on call and I…
= not a lot of time to post today, but I’M ON A STREAK SO . . . Summary: up @ 7 with kids (2/3 of them) and Josh 8:30 MyGym class with G…
I ordered my Hobonichi! At 10:03 pm. I spent something like $120 at the store, which is pretty typical for me. I don’t think I can think of anything that could bring me as…
I regret not taking more pictures, but truthfully it was the kind of trip where the scenery didn’t really matter. Even though Toronto is lovely! The themes for the weekend were: connection, relaxation, indulgence,…
Our nanny G (who we love!) has to attend to a family emergency and is out, without a well-defined date of return. It may be just a few days, but likely ~10-14 days or…
It was a nice weekend. G had her 18 month well child check (3 weeks late) and weathered the experience well (2 vaccines + a routine blood check – fun). She is 32.5″ long…