planner lovers, start here

Podcast: Best of Both Worlds

Podcast: Best Laid Plans

Fitness Reading

Running + Reading: A Great Reading Week!

(Note: the news right now is disturbing. I feel like it seems to be growing more and more so by the day?! AND life also continues to flow in its usual way, too. Which I will continue to write about here. I hope this…

July 14, 2024
life Reading

5 on a Friday: Interesting Things Lately

1- Thank you for your thoughts/insights re: strength training! I really think I want to try something different. Many of you pointed out how working with a trainer or in a gym can be very different than the home workouts that I (generally) dread.…

July 12, 2024
life Parenting

Several Confessions

#1 I still haven’t cleared out / finished responding to my email since call. Call was 6/24 – 6/30. Of course there has been triaging/archiving, but I need to respond and process and deal with things. There just hasn’t been a “good day”. Maybe…

July 10, 2024
life Travel

Catching Up!

I took a little break from posting while we were traveling — not entirely sure why! I had the time . . . but perhaps I didn’t have the energy. Here is an incomplete photodump with a few highlights! Other unpictured happenings: Workouts Last…

July 9, 2024

Wait What Day Is It?

Seriously. Someone with as many planners as I have should not feel disoriented in time, but here we are. I mean, I *know* what day it is. I just have to think about it kind of hard each time I start planning for what…

July 3, 2024

2024, Part 2

Just a little bit of New Year Energy . . . I needed it, and I feel like I am getting it from July 1. Starting 2 new planners helps — one is just “book 2” of the Hobonichi Cousin Avec which comes in…

July 2, 2024
Best Laid Plans

BLP Ep #205: Happy Mid Year!

July 1 is the new January? Maybe, if you want it to be!! In today’s episode, I share 10 questions to help you think through the rest of 2024! Sit back, grab a notebook and your favorite pens, and plan along with me —…

July 1, 2024
Fitness Reading

Running + Reading

This was a really tough week for me. Call (which I would rate as 7/10 on the “call week toughness” scale) + a kid with pneumonia was just a lot. But it’s almost over and while I let some things go (strength training, reading,…

June 30, 2024

5 on a Friday: Mostly Positive Edition

1- A continues to improve! (PS, how wild is it that Elisabeth’s A seems to have had the same thing at the same time!?). Now just hoping no one else in the family gets it! 2- Not going to lie, I didn’t watch the…

June 28, 2024