Another “Mommy Day” in the books. Josh and I decided to dedicate 4 days of our staycation to 1:1 days with each bigger kid. He had his A day and his C day earlier…
Have not used this format in a while! Here we go . . . 1– Pen ratings from The Imani Michelle. I follow Imani on instagram and I love her planning style (“lawyer and…
My wardrobe update is long overdue on this site, but I actually provided Lani from Real Life Style with some pix and commentary a few days ago, and she published it in a blog…
I spent the first four days of vac kind of ignoring my usual routines, and it was a nice break at first. But honestly — it kind of caught up with me. Not having…
Staycation or not, I definitely have that ‘vacation feeling’ going on. The beach helps. Not having too much to do helps. (I am sure I could think of productive ways to use this week,…
I don’t think I realized how much I needed some time off until it started. True, a weeklong vacation that involves no travel or social activities does feel a little odd. But a) 2020…
Yesterday I had just about had it with . . . well, basically everything. I felt tired, stressed, sad, and generally OVER the current situation. But I did one thing right: I made the…
No childcare for 60% of this week –> basically a full on cluster. One I cannot really plan my way out of with the most tried-and-true techniques. So, apologies in advance for lack of…
First, I am happy to report that yesterday went as well as one can expect! Annabel held down the fort all morning, and G slept through the afternoon while the iPad babysitter kept A&C…
We again interrupt the habits series because I feel it is worth discussing today’s disaster dilemma challenge. Our nanny is unable to come (health issue that is typically short lived, thankfully not COVID related)…