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  • Habits

    Episodic Future Thinking

    Something struck a chord with me as I listened to Cal Newport’s Deep Questions podcast yesterday (this episode). He was talking about how the creator of Duolingo was hoping to make learning so much…

    November 8, 2023
  • Goals Habits

    October Goals: Keeping it Simple

    Mostly keep doing what I’m doing! I sat down to write out October goals yesterday (yep – I don’t always complete my monthly reviews RIGHT at the start of a new month, and that’s…

    October 4, 2023
  • Habits life

    Do It Now // Do It Later

    Things That I am Good at Doing Right Away 1- Getting refills of medications. I have learned that hard way that if you wait to get started requesting refills of certain things . .…

    June 21, 2023
  • Goals Habits life

    The year is ~9/24 over

    Inspired by BLPA . . . After leading a Best Laid Plans Academy Session yesterday all about seasonal planning, I realized that it was probably time to start thinking about my own seasonal planning…

    May 17, 2023
  • Fitness Habits life

    Still Tired + Tiny Tweaks

    Next week might feel closer to normal? I hope so! On the plus side, today was a total rest day – I am loving these. I ‘sleep in’ until ~5:30-6 AM. I used to…

    March 15, 2023
  • Goals Habits life

    February Marches On

    Today is my only clinical day this week. I peaked into my inbox yesterday and — well, let’s just say it’s probably going to be a long day. Taking days off is awesome but…

    February 22, 2023
  • Goals Habits

    Call Week + New Month

    January was pretty great this year. Yep, even with flu-rona sneaking in there I feel like 2023 has just been generally positive so far. That said, all of my good habit streaks came to…

    February 1, 2023
  • Habits life

    Tracking Time: So Far!

    Why yes, I am participating in Laura’s challenge! I’m not submitting anything anywhere, but I have been noting where my time has been going and I actually started 1.1.23 because why not. This is…

    January 11, 2023
  • Habits

    Daily Habits 2023

    I don’t change up my daily habits much. I tend to add and take away pretty slowly, or make a small variation on a theme. Most of my habits are morning habits, but I…

    January 10, 2023