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5 on a Friday

  • life

    5 on a Friday: Fatigued Edition

    1- This was a WEEK. I am triggered emotionally now every time a kid gets a URI. G ultimately tested negative for CV (yay) but we kept her home 2 days. I still had…

    January 28, 2022
  • Goals life

    5 on a Friday: first 2022 edition

    1- Completely honored to be part of this Mom Hour episode today! It was particularly thrilling because I got to chat with Christine Koh in addition to Sarah Powers. (Kelsey of Girls Next Door…

    January 7, 2022
  • life

    5 on a Friday

    1- Yesterday was terrible (work-related). Details are not for the blog, but it was a bad day. Nothing insurmountable, but disappointing nonetheless. I guess one victory was that I did not dive into a…

    December 3, 2021