From the plane ($15 wifi . . . seems to be functioning). Self-a-delphia trip w/ Genevieve is underway! 1- G got a COVID vaccine! Moderna @ Walgreens. She did have a brief fever right…
1- Follow Up: Email Experiment Well, the beauty of a 1-day experiment is that you get very rapid results! My n=1 trial was definitely a success. I got a lot done and felt a…
1- Weather anxiety Agh. Summer in FL is never pleasant; people always assume this means “hot”, like Arizona or something. Yes, it’s a bit hot that is not the issue. Rather, it’s the near-constant…
1- The school is holding some big parents’ meeting today and I’m going to miss it due to a required work meeting. Though it just occurred to me that Josh might be able to…
1- Reading rut attack: Yes, I think going for total candy books right now may be the solution! Just put the one below on my library holds list: I think I also need some…
1- Our house actually looks close to move-in ready! The floor is not 100% done which is unfortunate (including a space in the kitchen) but still holding out hope it will be finished before…
Well! The last few days have been interesting. I managed to catch a non-COVID kid-cold that was not severe but just enough to take away all my energy and will to do anything other…
1- Match Day! It is today. I received the (secret) list of soon-to-be residents that will be finding out they matched with us today — and it was a great list! Hopefully they will…
1- Un-Fancy is back! I kept this blog on my feedly in the hopes that someday it would return . . . and she is not only back, but she’s posting daily outfits! I…
1- This was a WEEK. I am triggered emotionally now every time a kid gets a URI. G ultimately tested negative for CV (yay) but we kept her home 2 days. I still had…