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5 on a Friday

  • Reading Travel

    5 on a Friday: Seattle Edition

    1- Time disorientation! I am super time disoriented right now! We took an evening flight (~6p – 12:30a which was 9:30p Seattle time) and when we crashed into bed it was something like 2a…

    October 28, 2022
  • 5 on a Friday: Taylor Swift etc

    1- Can 100% see why my structured reading plan idea is completely unappealing to many. Really, I do! But for me it will be a fun experiment. ALSO, I am going to thoroughly mine…

    October 21, 2022
  • life Parenting

    5 on a Friday: Transition Edition

    1- This was a well-timed episode: From Good Inside (Dr Becky) – Is It Okay to Quit? There has been a lot of quitting recently by one child in particular, and it has been…

    September 30, 2022
  • life

    5 on a Friday: Fall Jealousy

    1- It’s FRIIIIDAYYYYY! Even though that means I am headed into a weekend, I’m excited. Especially since I am going in with a lot of ideas and intention. I need to solidify tonight’s movie…

    September 23, 2022
  • life Planners

    5 on a Friday: Mixed Bag Edition

    1- Several of you forwarded me Emily Oster‘s newsletter — this week’s topic was toddler/preschooler sleep! How timely!! Her main points were that the evidence shows having a routine helps, as does avoiding screens…

    August 19, 2022
  • Travel

    5 on a Friday: Amelia Island Edition

    1- During afternoon down time (after submitting my big work project, yay!) I took a deep dive down the rabbit hole of a listener-recommended YouTube Channel: ColorCodedChaos. Her systems are somewhat similar to mine,…

    August 12, 2022
  • Parenting Travel

    5 Very Quick Things on a Friday

    From the plane ($15 wifi . . . seems to be functioning). Self-a-delphia trip w/ Genevieve is underway! 1- G got a COVID vaccine! Moderna @ Walgreens. She did have a brief fever right…

    July 1, 2022
  • life

    5 on a Friday: Follow Up, Podcasts & More

    1- Follow Up: Email Experiment Well, the beauty of a 1-day experiment is that you get very rapid results! My n=1 trial was definitely a success. I got a lot done and felt a…

    June 24, 2022
  • life

    5 on a Friday: TS Edition

    1- Weather anxiety Agh. Summer in FL is never pleasant; people always assume this means “hot”, like Arizona or something. Yes, it’s a bit hot that is not the issue. Rather, it’s the near-constant…

    June 3, 2022