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5 on a Friday

  • life

    5 on a Friday: No Instagram in 2022?

    1- POD EP: Planner Games from Planners & Wine. I was just excited to hear Meg + Myra talk about what they might use next year! 2- Blog post: I enjoyed this Physician On…

    October 22, 2021
  • Planners Reading

    5 on a Friday: Early Fall Edition

    1- Day 1 of 100 went well, though I had nothing to do with bedtime (Josh took it over, as is theoretically our Thursday night custom, though it isn’t always feasible). Phone screen time…

    September 24, 2021
  • life

    5 on a Friday: Full Day Edition

    1- I thought this post was interesting: How to Recover from Pandemic-Induced Mind Fog. I think there is some truth to his post yet it seems like there are many who took time this…

    August 27, 2021
  • life

    5 on a Friday: Back to School & More

    1- Back to School was a reasonable success! G did not nap (and of course fell asleep on the way home — but only for a few minutes). Her resistance to a reasonable bedtime…

    August 20, 2021
  • 5 quick notes on a Friday

    1- Today is the day I will catch up on all pending patient-related things. (Very much hoping!). I am basically caught up in GME/admin and have made progress on the clinical end, though I…

    August 13, 2021
  • life

    5 on a Friday: BLAH edition

    1- Confessions: I have felt blah all week. I scrolled for a long time last night despite writing this post as a pep talk to myself to convince me to do otherwise! I missed…

    July 23, 2021
  • life

    5 on a Friday: Gratitude Edition

    1- That each day offers an opportunity to start fresh. Whether it’s brain chemistry, sleep itself, or caffeine, I always feel better in the morning. (And each week/month/year — even more opportunity!) 2- That…

    July 16, 2021
  • Goals Habits

    5 on a Friday: Organizing Edition

    1- Fresh Starts, continued. I think it’s the combination of: a) a new academic year (residency programs run traditionally from July – June, though orientation is typically late June!) b) moving into my 2021-22…

    June 25, 2021
  • life Planners

    5 on a Friday: Almost Summer Edition

    1- After some discussion of single vs solo parenting around here, Gwinne (who describes herself as a single mother by choice) wrote two posts on the topic: here and here. (She is an excellent…

    June 18, 2021
  • 5 on a Friday

    1- Packed day follow up. I did, as many suggested, order takeout delivered to my desk. (Bringing lunch would also have worked, but I didn’t manage to do it!). Like some of you commented,…

    June 11, 2021