Browsing Tag

summer reading

  • Reading Travel

    Friday in Islamorada

    From my peaceful porch . . . Josh and I made it — we didn’t leave until hours later than planned and checked in at 10pm because #surgery but we are here and I…

    May 27, 2022
  • life Reading

    It’s Thursday?

    I definitely thought it was Friday until the moment I went to title this post. Yesterday was a somber one — I kept thinking of Tuesday’s massacre and cried on more than one occasion…

    May 26, 2022
  • 5 quick notes on a Friday

    1- Today is the day I will catch up on all pending patient-related things. (Very much hoping!). I am basically caught up in GME/admin and have made progress on the clinical end, though I…

    August 13, 2021
  • life Parenting

    Summer Hours

    TODAY IS THE LAST DAY OF SCHOOL! A had her last day a week ago, but today G&C finish. It’s not all that earthshatterinig really because they are all going to the camp at…

    June 16, 2021
  • COVID19 Planners

    Day 126: On a Page

    I ordered Acrylograph pens from Archer & Olive and had fun playing with them yesterday. BUT looking at the above, I’m sort of grossed out by it. I don’t think I like too much…

    July 19, 2020
  • COVID19 life Reading

    Day 80: One step at a time

    Yesterday I just . . . flailed. I did get some work done (had to; the academic year starts in 3 weeks and I am starting to feel frantic about our state of readiness).…

    June 3, 2020
  • Planners Reading

    Planner Talk, School Start & Reading Update

    1- Planner talk! It’s almost Hobonichi sale time! As usual, they have an elaborately choreographed sequence of release dates for various pieces of information. And an extremely cute website! Check it out here. There…

    August 15, 2019