Browsing Tag

screen time

  • Fitness Goals life

    Workouts / Reading / Screen Time

    Workouts M: Bittersweet group run because one of the members is moving to BRAZIL! We will miss her!! 8.18 mi @ 9:58/mi ave (included a run/walk portion). T: 2 mi warmup, 12 x (1…

    June 23, 2024
  • Fitness Reading

    Workouts + Reading

    Running + Strength I’m not sure when 47 miles started to feel like a lower mileage week, but it kind of did. This level of running felt very manageable — I guess because most…

    June 16, 2024
  • Best Laid Plans

    Ep #143: Heart to Heart Screen Time Thoughts

    Here it is: Case Studies 1) Rachel in Wales, who spent a month without a smartphone and was converted permanently: 2) Leslie, a self-described “mid/later-life” yogi who always has thoughtful perspectives on all…

    April 24, 2023
  • Habits life

    Tracking Time: So Far!

    Why yes, I am participating in Laura’s challenge! I’m not submitting anything anywhere, but I have been noting where my time has been going and I actually started 1.1.23 because why not. This is…

    January 11, 2023
  • Fitness Habits Work

    Back to (Clinical) Work!

    Back to Clinic! After a full TWO WEEKS OFF (my last day of work was Tuesday December 20 – so I truly had 14 days!) — I feel ready to head back to work!…

    January 4, 2023
  • Fitness Goals life Weekend

    Get Back Up Again . . .

    This past weekend was another sort of ‘meh’ one, and I’m not even sure why. Josh was super tired (which makes sense since he has taken a ton of call lately, and has been…

    October 4, 2022
  • life Parenting

    Sometimes I Just Need to Wallow

    We made it through Both the tropical storm and the day at home. I did not have a particularly positive mindset and was not a particularly patient or Pinterest-worthy parent. But you know what?…

    September 29, 2022
  • life Parenting

    Weekend Improvement Plan, Continued

    Thank your your MANY wise and varied tips. It’s so interesting – parenting can be like whack-a-mole. Just when you get one piece figured out (or mostly figured out), another pain point pops up.…

    September 21, 2022