Browsing Tag

screen time

  • Goals

    2022 Goal Series: Screen Time

    Well, you all probably saw this one coming! I am not planning on returning to Insta this calendar year, and I do not have any social media accounts that are active. I have WhatsApp…

    December 31, 2021
  • Habits

    Off the Wagon

    Oops. Since November 29, I have dutifully stuck to my self-imposed total phone Screen Time limit of 100 minutes. And then yesterday happened. I was triggered by some suspense followed by very happy news…

    December 16, 2021
  • life

    5 on a Friday

    1- Yesterday was terrible (work-related). Details are not for the blog, but it was a bad day. Nothing insurmountable, but disappointing nonetheless. I guess one victory was that I did not dive into a…

    December 3, 2021
  • Parenting

    Screens & Things

    We told the kids a week or so ago that we would be taking the month off of iPads. This was prompted by a display of bad behavior from one kid in particular (ie,…

    July 13, 2021
  • Habits life

    Screen Time, Instagram, Etc

    After my recent ~2.5 month break from it, I have come to the conclusion that I enjoy Instagram. Sometimes. In moderation. I mostly enjoy keeping up with my favorite planning-related accounts, some of them…

    June 29, 2021
  • life Parenting

    Dead Time

    I feel pretty good about how I spend my time lately. Except for a certain window that I really want to work on. That window is approximately 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm. I usually…

    March 23, 2021
  • Habits

    Routines vs Ruts Etc

    Okay! Trying again. Hopefully today’s thoughts will not get unceremoniously deleted. Laura and I are actually recording a podcast episode today about getting out of ruts, which spurred my interest on this topic. Because…

    February 18, 2021
  • COVID19 Weekend

    Just another pandemic Saturday

    Scenes from yesterday . . . (theme: photos of the kids absorbed in some activity) Cloudy skies, drizzle, and more ducklings. A whole lot of toddler time with this butterfly child who discovered her…

    October 4, 2020
  • Goals life

    5 on a Friday

    1- Parenting update. After a terrible start to the week, I am so happy to report that my time with the kids has been so much more enjoyable these past few days. I am…

    September 25, 2020
  • Goals Habits

    100 Days Left

    There are 100 days left in 2020. A year that teased us with promises of a bright and exciting future, and then smacked us into reality. A year in which I kept switching planners,…

    September 23, 2020