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  • life Reading

    5 on a Friday: Quick Things + Recs

    1- Elisabeth is back in blogland!! She lost her prior site in a server malfunction which had to have been devastating. BUT, she’s back and just as lovely as ever. Visit her! 2- I…

    September 29, 2023
  • Reading Travel

    From the Air

    Podcast Q&A Requests? Laura and I are planning a Q&A ep – if you are a BOBW listener, please post them in the comments or send me an email. Also, feel free to also…

    September 21, 2023
  • Parenting Reading

    Evenings Etc

    EveningsEvenings feel really different now than they used to. I blame COVID for making the transition so jarring.When the kids were little, they went to school, possibly had an after-school activity 1-2 times per…

    September 6, 2023
  • life Reading


    BOOK RECS! Thank you all so much for the book recs!! YES to immersive-yet-not-toooo-distressing. I am going to update my TBR and start transitioning to a fall reading list (even though it’s not actually…

    August 26, 2023
  • life Reading

    5 on a Friday: Summer Mix

    1- I’m very very late to this party: . . . but what a great party it was! Apparently it may be a Netflix movie or series at some point – which would be…

    July 21, 2023
  • Reading Weekend

    Chill Weekend

    Not doing terribly much this weekend. And that’s ok! Sometimes it can be nice to just do life maintenance stuff and not rush around. The kids (ALL 3) slept until 9 am, which was…

    July 15, 2023
  • life Reading

    5 on a Friday: Summer Hodgepodge

    1- 1:1 day installment #1/3 = success! I decided “Mommy Day” sounded a little juvenile at this stage so . . . 1:1 day it is! A had hers yesterday and it included: Genevieve…

    June 30, 2023
  • life Reading

    5 on a Friday: Listen / Read / Watch

    1- Laura was on Deep Questions this week! I loved listening to them chat (and did so during a hill workout on Wednesday AM). 2- I was Monica’s guest on About Progress: My headshots…

    June 23, 2023
  • life Reading Travel

    From the Air

    20 minutes = the amount of time I have on the free in-flight Wi-Fi! We are headed to Chicago for a big family party. 4 very brief updates: 1- Want a book that goes…

    June 15, 2023